Saturday, 31 August 2013

FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS Series 9 - Our Journey towards FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS must necessarily be actionable and take into account our practical lives

Our Journey towards FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS must necessarily be actionable and take into account our practical lives comprising activities, desires, ambitions and responsibilities.

Hi Friends,

I'm back. My work takes me to Mauritius around this time every year. It's a lovely place. What I like most is the proximity to nature. I love to do the 'under sea' walk. Once you descend into the world of fish and other marine life, where the rules are different, your overwhelming attachment with your 'own world' diminishes. That helps. My wife and I also went to the Casela Nature Park, where we played with lion cubs! Here are some snap shots:

Now let's dwell on the proposition stated at the head of this post.

By now readers are able to understand that the journey towards FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS is not some out-of-this-world kind of experience. Rather you remain very much a part of this world, though you start viewing it from a vantage point of higher awareness. You get a  better, richer view of your world.

Some may be speculating that soon I will be asking you to give up attachment to this material world. That sense comes from the availability of a lot of advanced spiritual literature. The basic theme is more or less the same, but what is often missed out in such literature is the actionable and practical aspects of our daily lives. 

These advanced books are excellent for those who have understood the spiritual language, have embarked on the journey and, so to say, are more advanced than others. Many have mastered the spiritual vocabulary and can give discourses. But those attending such lectures or reading similar literature, may end up doing only a mental exercise. 

No amount of mental exercise is going to contribute to spiritual progression. Once you understand the stance and the steps that I am recommending, you will see that the exercises suggested by me are at the level of body and spirit. Yes, body too has a role to play! You will see that soon. The mind plays the limited role of understanding the theme, gathering courage, staying authentic and remaining committed. The conviction initially comes from the mind, and then is supported by spirit itself. So, spirit helps you discover more spirit! Isn't that great?

I have myself read good books on spiritual exercises. I have preferred writers who have written from their own experience, and whose writings you can relate to. Whatever I have written in this blog and I intend to write in future, is entirely based on my own experience spanning four decades.

That includes my struggle for years to find the answers to basic questions about life and existence. I have tasted both ends of the spectrum: deep despair, melancholy, angst, meaninglessness, void, restlessness on the one hand, and glimpses of joy, peace, tranquility at the other end - the FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS.

That does not mean my journey has come to an end. It continues. FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS is not a static position in human consciousness. You keep moving towards it. Once you have stabilized on this journey, you can still go to the pub to enjoy your beer, create wealth for yourself, pursue your jobs or professions, get into relationships, but all from a significantly different stance, from a vantage point. You will now notice a space between you and all this. Previously you were probably too identified with such attachments. Managing your wealth is not only a perfectly good objective to pursue, it is also your responsibility. But now you would have created that space between you and your wealth. Prior to this changed stance, you had probably 'become' your wealth.

I was keen to dwell on this practical aspect since I am aware of a certain stereotype that is associated with persons seeking spirit. They are often seen as religious mystics, people living in seclusion, or some very different kind of persons with whom you cannot identify.

I want to reassure you that throughout my journey, I have maintained my practical life. Being a finance professional, I do take care of my wealth. I have progressed in my job, am functioning as a CEO, and I love my wine.

The time that you commence this journey, especially those who are consciously suffering today, you may have to take a very brief holiday from life. We all go on holidays, but have we ever taken a holiday from life?

More about that in my next post. Keep reading and sharing.


Apart from Facebook or Twitter, you can also keep track of my posts by becoming a 'follower' in the blog itself. 

Deepak Chatterjee
twitter: @Deepak33C
Views are personal

Monday, 19 August 2013

FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS Series 8 - If you sense spirit but you do not understand it, you can suffer pain which often manifests as depression or anxiety.

Hello Friends,

I extend a warm welcome to my blog to readers from across the globe, particularly from India, US, France, Russia, UK, Nigeria, UAE, Australia, Switzerland, Bangladesh... (the top ten countries by pageviews, as registered by Many of you have shared my links through Facebook, Twitter and Google+. That really helps. Thanks.

Those of you who have landed on this page for the first time, I reiterate my request that you start from the first post titled, 'You too can taste FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS'. Thereafter I have uploaded 7 posts, in serial order, with two intermittent notes. Please scroll down to the first post. If you cannot, please click the button 'Older Posts' at the bottom of the page. Or you can use the blog archives at the top right corner of the page.

We ought to be fundamentally happy! It is within us, yet we are not able to connect with it. The problem is that the term, 'Happiness' as we mostly understand it, is always in the context of some cause for happiness. If we are happy, we are so because of this or that reason. Does it follow that if there is nothing to be happy about, we should necessarily be sad? That sounds odd to me.

What is the normal state of human beings when there is nothing to be happy or sad about, something like a neutral situation? My guess is that if there is no regular supply of happy situations, natural or created, many of us are likely to find ourselves unhappy. It is this question that had baffled me four decades back causing a lot of distress and disquiet. I realized that most of us are almost successful in creating these happy situations that keep us 'happy'. Devoid of those props, we are fundamentally unhappy. Those who are not able to create these happy situations feel the unhappiness within. They are not able to tranquilize themselves.

The Danish philosopher, Soren Kierkegaard (1813-1855), beautifully described this predicament by saying that such sensitive persons are not able to tranquilize themselves by the trivial

It is probably for this reason that we humans are so scared of boredom and loneliness. Imagine, if we could connect with the FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS, also part of our inner core. None of these would bother us. We would be fundamentally happy, without needing external props. We can still enjoy external happy situations, as long as they last, probably enjoy them even more, for we don't need to cling to them any more and don't fear losing them.

Let me begin by pulling a section from my previous post (Series 7) and dwell on it for a while: If you sense spirit but you do not understand, you can suffer pain which often manifests as depression or anxiety. Awareness is what takes you through. All my posts are about awareness. As you build awareness, the steps to be followed for your journey towards FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS will be clearer and easier to understand. 

This word 'awareness' is crucial, and its significance in the context of our journey towards FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS needs to be clearly understood.

If you recall, I have stated a few times, that uncaused depression, anxiety or meaninglessness is not a psychological disorder, but a sign of spiritual growth. The solution is not to pull such persons down to look like 'normal' persons, but to help them grow further and move towards FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS. (The use of the word 'normal' within quotes, is only to highlight the fact that persons suffering from depression etc are often seen or categorized as 'abnormal', which is grossly incorrect and unfair. In real terms all human beings are normal. I have used quotes to only differentiate the so-called 'normal' people from the suffering ones. No insult or inferiority is intended for persons who are fine the way they are and are not troubled by day to day questioning of existence, and hence do not feel uncaused depression or anxiety. I have mentioned earlier how such persons are almost successful in keeping their inner malaise at bay).

On a scale of awareness, persons who feel their inner disquiet are actually more aware than the 'normal' beings, though not enough to take them through. They feel more than other persons. If you do not understand this, let us take an example. How does a person feel uncaused depression? One possibility is that he questions the purpose or meaning of life. He does not find satisfactory answers and suffers despair. Others may also occasionally question the life, but they are able to find consolation in the million of things that they keep engaged in or pursue or possess. The internally sensitive person knows more, is more aware, and is not satisfied or tranquilized by the usual answers.

The reality is that the person who seriously questions life and does not find answers is actually sensing the deep disquiet that is there within all human beings. Many such persons similarly question life, but blame the lack of meaning to others or to circumstances. And, still many more are able to 'satisfy' themselves by many 'purposes', 'activities', 'possessions' and similar other things. They are able to console themselves through these diversions. Remember, the categories 1, 2 and 3 that I had described earlier in Series 4? If not, please read Series 4, right now. I reiterate my promise that I will not ask you to discard these 'things' in life.

Trying desperately to find the meaning olife is just one manifestation of the fundamental unhappiness within. Other examples are fear of the unknown, feeling of hopelessness, despair, emptiness or the fear of death. 

I keep coming back to these concepts because it is necessary to understand and internalize them. These are not difficult concepts. The only problem is that our mind is used to seeing things in a particular way. This is a different way. Also, if some readers are experiencing such dilemmas, they can draw comfort from the fact that they are not suffering from any mental disease. They are more ready for a journey towards FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS.

Mighty books on philosophy try to explain all this. They include ancient texts - for instance the ancient Indian text Vedanta. I am sure there are such texts in all cultures. But the language is so difficult! Yet the underlying truth is the same.

Do stay with me. The posts in this blog will help you commence an exciting journey towards FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS. It has to be done slowly. The steps to be followed are not difficult. Just like we do physical exercises to develop our bodies, we need to do spiritual exercises - simple, nothing complicated. But the thoughts that I am sharing now have to be internalized first. Hence you will notice some repetitions.

Hope you are not finding this stuff too heavy. From the responses I can make out that many readers are with me and seem ready to move on quickly. It is a good idea, though, to approach it slowly. After all we are dealing with the human spirit, not some sprained muscle that you can tackle by some medication or physio sessions.

See you soon.

Deepak Chatterjee
twitter: @Deepak33C
Views are personal

Sunday, 11 August 2013


Hi Friends, 

I realize that I have uploaded 8 posts in a short span of about three weeks, out of which 7 are in a series. If you read all of them together, it is a lot of new ideas, new directions and possibly the beginning of a new journey. It can take you towards FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS. 

It takes time for all this to gradually sink in. That is because we have got used to a given way of looking at ourselves (or not looking at all!) or at the external world. Otherwise there is nothing difficult to understand. I have stayed clear of any complex theory. I have based it only on my own experience and some research that I have put in simple language. 

The problem with most such discourses is that they are usually very heavy on content. Also there is often a hint that you must give up all worldly joys. I can assure you that you have to do none of that. 

It would be good idea to occasionally go back to my posts and internalize the thoughts. Please feel free to ask me any questions. I assure you of full privacy, if you choose to send a direct message.

You can see all of them at or 'in' and also at

Deepak Chatterjee
Views are personal

Friday, 9 August 2013

FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS series 7 - We easily recognize two dimensions of our existence, namely body and mind. The third dimension, spirit, is almost completely missed out.

Hi Friends,

This post is from Delhi, my hometown. I am here for a holiday. The city looks so green and fresh during monsoon. Before I let loose a Mumbai vs Delhi debate, let me hasten to add that many parts of Mumbai are very green too!

I am receiving several questions via Facebook or through direct messages. That there are so many questions points to the fact that whenever we are faced with such debates about existence, something inside us gets stirred. That something is the spirit. We easily recognize two dimensions of our existence, namely body and mind. The third dimension, spirit, is almost completely missed out. Neglect of spirit leads to two possibilities: 

  • We may lead shallow, artificial lives, devoid of any richness or depth. Any intermittent connection with spirit may open up the possibilities of a confrontation with our deep inner malaise. A vast majority are able to divert from any hint of the inner condition and continue with their usual lives. Many attribute the suffering to others or circumstances or both and remain in denial.
  • Or, persons with more inner sensitivity, are more likely, at some stage, to connect with spirit and feel their inner discomfort in varying degrees. Unfortunately they too try to divert, deny, but they cannot. They have reached a level of spiritual growth which cannot be reversed. This is actually great news, but we do not understand it. Such persons are just a few steps away from FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS which too is within all of us, but eludes us.

Pardon my coming back to the same point at the beginning of each post again and again. This is the central theme of my blog and a bit of repetition helps everyone, including me. It helps me to stay on course in my journey. 

Let me also clarify here that by connection with spirit I am not referring to any religious practices. Religion is a person's individual choice. Whatever I recommend through this blog neither requires any religious affiliation, nor does it clash with any religious beliefs. To make it clear to readers, I personally have not taken the support of any religious beliefs in my own journey. That has not hindered my progress in the journey. Nor do I anticipate any problems in your continuing with your own religious alignments.

Let me start with some questions on my posts that I have received, answers to which could be interesting read.

Q: You know something that is very disturbing? Recently, someone very close to me was complaining of being depressed - due to no "apparent cause". The said person eventually consulted a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist said "listen to music, divert yourself, and so-and-so, so-and-so are the 'reasons' for your depression". I think this is fundamentally a misguided approach. All this will do is divert your mind temporarily and make you NOT face the malaise inside. What do you feel?

My answer:  Unfortunately the psychiatrist community has not recognized uncaused depression or anxiety as a sign of spiritual growth. They are either stuck at the old school where every depression needs an external cause or some are wedded to the clinical route - ascribing all depression to change in brain chemistry. Either way, the attempt is to pull the 'patient' away from the suffering. Whereas, the solution lies in going through the suffering to the other side - by further growth. Honestly facing your inner malaise without analysis is the answer.

Another Q: When you say one "might even get to feel flashes of FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS. But it is more important to be stay on the journey."
How does one do that? Because at times certain events/circumstances/ people deviate you from the journey, and somehow you can't ignore them. How to overcome that? Its not helplessness, but a choice you make. So how to balance that?

My  answer: Even as seeking FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS is the purpose, you will see that staying on the journey towards FH is itself a very deep, satisfying and enriching experience. As you embark on this journey, while FH itself may still be several steps away, you will be able to appreciate the richness of your new existence. If your question is how to stay on course while you are likely to be derailed at times by events, situations etc, my answer is: yes, this journey is not going to be unidirectional. There could be times when you fall back into the old ways. But the beauty is that you can always get up, collect yourself and start again. And, there is no limit to the number of times you can restart! Once you know your stance that helps you to stay on course, derailments will be less often. On how to maintain this stance, there is more to follow on my posts.:)

I can well sense the urgency among readers of this blog, on how to go about it. The steps are simple, straight forward. The only reason I am not rushing with them is that you all need to first ready yourself. Apart from the two requirements - truthfulness about yourself (authenticity) and some courage, you also need full commitment. This is a journey. It cannot be attempted from the perspective: "OK, let me try this". It is not one of those "been there, done that" things in life. It is a life changing proposition. You have to be convinced that this is the only way. Hence the need for commitment. If you think this is a one-step start to finish movement, akin to the click of the mouse, you are mistaken. Science and technology have indeed provided many short cuts. Many tedious things have become easy. Imagine the prospect of reaching out to all of you through this medium thirty years back!

But there are no short cuts to any fundamental aspects of life. There is no short cut to good health, good education, development of a value system, wealth creation or success. Similarly there is no short cut to imparting some spirit into your lives. It is a slow process. Not least because we live in a very noisy world full of distractions and clutter. 

In the past, many sensitive persons have given up living in the material world; they have often gone away to the mountains or other isolated places to find peace. It is possible that such separation hastens the process of connection with spirit. However, my proposition requires none of that. As I have stated before, you will continue with your practical life. You continue to value your possessions and enjoy all good things in life. What you do need to change is your stance in life. That is where I will have to spend a lot of time and come out with several posts to bring home the concepts. 

The starting point is recognizing your spirit. Feeling yourself internally  including whatever pain, suffering you feel within, without route-cause-analysis or blame game is indeed the first step.

I end this post with a question I had asked my parents when I was a child. I had said that I can see and feel my hands, my feet, my face, my eyes, my head etc. But where am I? What within me is the 'me'? I can well understand the bewilderment of my parents at a question like this. Some years back, I realized that I had asked a very deep question seeking spirit - the third dimension. If you sense spirit but you do not understand, you can suffer pain which often manifests as depression or anxiety  Awareness is what takes you through. All my posts are about awareness. As you build awareness, the steps to be followed for your journey towards FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS will be clearer and easier to understand. Otherwise you might end up doing tick marks that will lead you no where. Hence this delay in coming to the steps. Be in your present condition and wait for more posts.

One word of caution: please do not confuse spirit with ghosts or fairies. I do not believe in ghosts or miracles in life. However, ghost stories possibly touch our inner repressed condition of anxiety and void. Once the story is over, we continue with our usual lives. We are reassured of our familiar existence. We probably just got a little teased by our inner malaise, which is still 'safely' locked within. 

I will be back soon.


Deepak Chatterjee
Views are personal

Monday, 5 August 2013

FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS Series 6 - Is this blog only for those feeling depressed...?

Is this blog only for those feeling depressed, hopeless, a sense of despair and meaninglessness? What about those who consider themselves happy and content?

Hi Friends,

Let us continue this dialogue by addressing the question I have posed above.

Those familiar with my blog are now aware, and I repeat for the benefit of those readers who have joined later, that at its very core, human existence is painful - often witnessed as despair, depression, anxiety, meaninglessness or emptiness. Majority of humankind is almost successful in diverting from even a hint of what lies within by getting busy, running after things, entertaining themselves, getting into relationships etc. Some feel it more, but are in denial and the focus is shifted to "others" and to "circumstances". The more internally sensitive and perceptible kind are not able to do either of that, and they suffer consciously, struggle to get out of this fundamental unease and get trapped in a painful existence. My premise is that such persons are actually witnessing spiritual growth. Instead of pulling themselves down to become similar to other 'normal' people, the way is to allow more growth and evolve into a fundamentally happy person. This is not a fairy tale story. It is based on the experience of many persons who have been on the journey. It has been my experience too.

Now, indeed, there are many who would say that human existence is basically made of happiness and satisfaction. Persons could be very happy with their jobs, family life, relationships, possessions, wealth and so on. They may question: what is in it for me? Why should I discover this so-called pain inside and seek an unknown state like FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS?

First and foremost, I have no quarrels with 'happy' persons in this world. As I stated in my last post (Series 4), even very happy and content persons may have to face situations in life where they are face to face with boredom, loneliness, disappointments, sadness and the kind, all for valid reasons. These are all attributed to external factors - the circumstances or other people in your lives. It does work, and you move on in life. In one of my earlier posts I have also mentioned about the human dilemma while facing such situations in life.

I understand the dilemma that many of you face in a similar predicament. That dilemma arises from the interaction between two kinds of dissatisfaction – that from within and from without. One is existential dissatisfaction, the other is circumstantial dissatisfaction. Because they mix up, we are not able to recognize the more basic form of dissatisfaction. 

As long as the existential dissatisfaction remains under check, and you can move on ascribing all discomfort to circumstances, it's fine. You can continue with your happy lives.

The only point I want to highlight here is that those who have embarked on an inward journey impart more spirit to their lives. Spirit not only helps you to keep moving onward towards FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS, it brings about great changes in your life. Life becomes richer and deeper. Everything that you do or say is seen as more profound by others. You are seen as more sincere. You exhibit more trust. Creativity increases. There is more clarity in your thoughts. As you progress, you may feel that spring in life. And this is not due to any external props. You can still enjoy all material things you normally enjoy, but now with a little more spirit in life, you might come to realize their true value to you. May be, you were earlier attaching an undue importance to all these things. Enjoy them without clinging to them.

After getting into this journey, I have worked on a philosophy: treat all good things that come across in life as 'bonus'. Enjoy them but do not crave for them. Naturally what does not come does not bother you!

I have stated earlier, and I repeat: The crux is to get onto this inward journey in life. You move closer to FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS. You might even get to feel flashes of FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS. But it is more important to be stay on the journey. No one can proclaim that he has reached FH, and his journey stands terminated. The moment you take that stand you have actually lost it. This beautiful journey is towards infinity! 

For those who are suffering, there is both motivation and an opportunity to embark on this journey. It is easiest for them.

'Happy' persons will have to take a call. Since they do not feel the basic human unease, a good starting point for this inward journey could be to just focus on any emotional pain they encounter, even if caused externally. Any internal pain can be a good starting point. I hope to detail some steps in subsequent posts - similar to meditation. Persons who already find themselves happy can have a good starting point.

Deepak Chatterjee
Views are personal

Thursday, 1 August 2013


Hi Friends,

I am back after some travel. I enjoy traveling. Whenever you are, say, on a two hour flight, those two hours are entirely yours. You can be with yourself. In subsequent posts, I hope to write on this aspect: 'being with yourself', which can be mastered into 'The Art of Doing Nothing'! 

I will begin where I left you, first by touching upon some questions that have been posed to me. Here are samples on a no-name basis:

Q: Without wanting to pry, I would really like to know/understand how or why you seem to have had a troubled life full of questions before you found redemption.

My reply: If you read the blog posts carefully, you will understand that this 'troubled' existence is unfortunately the true existence of mankind. It is uncaused suffering. Most people are able to deflect themselves from this inner condition. Sensitive ones are not able to. They suffer. But they can transcend this condition and move to a joyful existence that 'normal' beings are not able to enjoy. Most humans spend their entire lives in an artificial existence. All religions have also tried to show this path. Unfortunately the mythology surrounding most religions has been difficult to understand. Followers have blindly followed religion and got lost in the structure.You will find all answers in the blog as more posts follow. Despite the 'troubled' existence I had my share of fun and pleasure. But nothing to compare with the peace and joy I am now enjoying for the past several years. 
As you read on you will appreciate that, going for the reasons for your inner 'trouble', as you have sought, is a mental exercise. Any mental exercise will successfully throw up ten or more external reasons why you are 'troubled'. Then starts the process of denial and distraction. See, how smart we are? The whole idea is to stay away from any mental exercise, and just focus your attention on the inner condition without any analysis. I hope to give step by step details of this process. But I have to ready you first.
I don't feel pried at all. These questions are bound to come. Read on. 

Q: There is enough evidence of basic human unease. There is also enough evidence of the myriads of ways we try to cover it up or masquerade it. But there is hardly any evidence that someone could surmount it, to discover something entirely different. I shall wait for your future posts.

My reply: You know, it is true that not many people would have reached the level of FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS (FH), but the beauty is in being on the journey towards FH, rather than treating it as a start to finish sprint. Through authenticity and by acknowledging your inner condition, you impart spirit to your life. Life turns richer and deeper. While on this journey, simple things that you routinely notice could turn alive. We have all watched a setting sun or the beauty of a sea shore. The same view will look far more enchanting once you are on this journey. It is an eye opening experience. On a practical side, I set to write a post on 'Living life one step below FH'. You will get a fuller answer to your question then. Any thing that you do in life will be a richer experience for you as well as for others dealing with you. For instance, you can become a Spiritual CEO!. And to give you a specific answer, the number of persons who have tasted FH is increasing. Even for such persons, it is never that they have reached the end of their journey and just stay put there. They have to keep renewing their FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS, by continuing their stance and orientation towards life. They are still on a journey. This is an ongoing journey.

Now coming back to the idea that I wanted to leave with you with. I had said I will give you strong evidence of how this inner condition afflicts all of humanity. Most of us get rattled if we have to spend a lot of time doing nothing. Many get unnerved at the prospect of getting bored. I see this more often with today's youth. There is a pressing need to ensure that time is fully structured.

Boredom is a common experience of most people. From time to time. 

But we have found ways of not confronting boredom. 
We quickly divert our minds. 
We occupy ourselves with activities. 
Some important and useful. 
Others, mere distractions like partying, unwinding, having fun. 
We also find comfort in following a time table packed with schedules.  In other words, our time is fully structured.

Here is a paradox! We schedule our free time slots, then pack them with activities called fun.

What would happen if we did none of these things? 
Is it possible to live with boredom without a struggle? 
On a more serious note, boredom can be unnerving if left unchecked. How do we find out?

My own experience tells me that lurking beneath boredom is the painful, but fundamental, human condition. Most of us have never been exposed to our inner condition, but all of us can sense it. So we always run away from boredom. Our mind is trained to pick early warnings of an impending confrontation with our innermost condition. Boredom is one of them. Loneliness is another example.

Why are we so afraid of loneliness? Don't we try our best to distract our minds, or get busy with things if there is a possibility of facing loneliness? 

Have we ever wondered what would happen if we courageously faced boredom or loneliness, instead of fighting them or struggling against them? This could well be a good starting point. Just relax and observe yourself as you are engulfed in boredom or loneliness. Just be with the feelings without any 'cause-effect' analysis. Your mind has no role to play in this initiative. This is authenticity. You courageously acknowledge that you are bored or lonely. But do nothing about it. Just observe yourself. Observe your being. It could be very uncomfortable. If it is, then you have tasted the basic inner condition. Those who can sustain their attention, may notice that the inner condition can be quite painful. If you have reached this stage you have taken your first step towards a spiritual journey. The journey that could take you closer to FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS.

For those who are consciously feeling the inner pain most of the time, may be suffering depression, anxiety, meaninglessness (remember category 1 that I had referred to in Series 4?) can attempt the same stance with whatever they feel. Just focus inwards, observe your pain, do nothing about it, just be with it. Do not try to analyse. The moment you get into a mental exercise, you have lost it.

So, friends, I hope this is a good place for me to sign off. I will be back soon.

Deepak Chatterjee
Views are personal