Tuesday, 28 January 2014

FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS Series 24 - My realization that my depression was un-caused and fundamental, and not a mental disease was itself a great relief.

My realization that my depression was un-caused and fundamental, and not a mental disease was itself a great relief. 

Hello Friends,

For readers outside India, the paperback version of my book ARE YOU REALLY HAPPY? is now available on Amazon.com. Here is the link to Amazon.com where both formats are now available, paperback and Kindle:

(please click on the link above)

Series 24
I have mentioned in my book ARE YOU REALLY HAPPY? as well as earlier on in this blog, how I have myself suffered from years of depression, meaninglessness, despair and anxiety. I remember how I oscillated between imagining supposed reasons for this suffering on the one hand, and thinking something was wrong with me (clinical depression?) on the other. Both were difficult propositions and made my existence even more distressing.

For, I was never convinced of the external 'reasons' for my distress, and questioned how I could be so miserable due to the supposed 'reasons'. Fortunately, this stance prevented me from blaming others, which is often the case. On the other hand, admitting that my unhappiness had nothing to do with my circumstance, gave me some relief initially, but I found myself trapped in what appeared to be a psychiatric condition, for which the only solution seemed medication prescribed by a doctor. Having read extensively how prevalent clinical depression was, I was worried about my future. Moreover, medication only attempts to alter the brain chemistry. What you feel in your spirit stays, though it could get a bit muzzled.

It is while I was living this spectare of life long 'treatment' of clinical depression that I stumbled upon the entirely different paradigm: 

  • that what you feel as un-caused depression is actually a sign of early spiritual growth

  • that this FUNDAMENTAL UNHAPPINESS is the reality of basic human existence that most of us are able to repress and block out - well, almost

  • that the way is to grow further at the level of being, instead of struggling with your mind

  • that there is no way out of it; the way is only through it

  • when you go through it to the other side, it is a life of peace and joy.

Even before I got onto the journey towards FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS, I got a tremendous sense of relief just to be aware of the above mentioned paradigm. It was as if everything was falling into place for the first time. As if a mega jigsaw puzzle was getting solved. The journey was even richer - a deep process of self discovery.

From where does the sense of relief come? Firstly, when you know there is no external cause that is causing unhappiness, at least you are saved the trouble and the constant pressure to rectify the situation surrounding you. That is what we do whenever we are troubled by something. We try to change our circumstance or get out of it, and that's the right thing to do whenever the source of the problem is external. Once you know that the source of unhappiness is not external, then it is a relief to know that you have to do nothing about things external to you. However, people get into bigger and more difficult traps when they start unfairly blaming others, often creating hate objects or indulging in victim-hood. All that gives a false sense of self, and it gets difficult to shed the baggage.

Once you are convinced that there is no external cause, you focus inwards. If it is further clear that you are not suffering from any mental disease, it is fantastic news. You just have to gather the courage to face up to yourself, and find your way through this suffering.

I keep coming back to this central theme of my blog: that this path is available to everyone. Even those who do not feel unduly depressed or anxious, like I felt, can make this shift to durable HAPPINESS. 

Once again, I extend my offer of receiving queries either through the blog or Facebook or direct email. I assure all readers full confidentiality.


Deepak Chatterjee


If you are following this blog through email, you will notice that the post that you receive in your in-box does not have the blog archives and other features. At times the formatting is not good. For a better view you can see the entire blog at: 

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS Series 23 - We find 'difficult persons' all around us; do we pause to take a look at ourselves?

We find 'difficult persons' all around us; do we pause to take a look at ourselves?

Hi Friends,

This post is a follow up of what I had posited in Series 22 on 15 January, 2014. I had provoked readers to honestly ask if they found themselves mostly on the edge, on a short fuse, restless, impatient and with a reduced attention span, always on the rush to do something. Do we listen to others? Or do we quickly prejudge?

I had also commented that while it is easy to find many others with such traits, we rarely take an honest look at ourselves. We often lack that honesty and a bit of courage to face up to ourselves.

Ironically, discovering and acknowledging the negativity, agitation or despair within us can be the first big step towards a joyful life.

Why do we refuse to see in ourselves what we see in others?

Well, before we can display honesty and courage, there is something that has to be dropped: resistance. We human beings have profound resistance within us. It is not difficult to locate it.

Even as we are faced with a faint prospect of someone beginning a comment that we anticipate as going against us, we can feel resistance building up within us. It arises within our bodies like a physical surge! Yes, you can feel the resistance within like a physical force. It is so overwhelming that we might not let the other person complete what he or she is saying. Just a hint of a possible criticism is enough.

Noticing and recognizing this resistance too can be an excellent first step towards FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS. And, what do you think feeds this resistance? Yes, our EGO.

It is not only when we are confronted by criticism or an adverse  comment that resistance arises. Resistance comes into play whenever we are in any unpleasant situation. Spiritual writers say that this resistance actually increases the pain we suffer when we are in an emotionally uncomfortable situation. 

Let us take an example: let's say we are getting late for an important meeting. It could be a traffic jam or some other unexpected thing that is taking your time. By all means, strategize and find ways of limiting the delay, inform the other persons who are to attend the meeting, and do all practical things. Beyond that, there is no point fretting and fuming. There is resistance in accepting the present position. If you do give up resistance and accept the present moment, you would have taken a big step in your spiritual journey. That doesn't mean that we accept everything wrong surrounding us. By all means take steps to rectify the situation or get yourself out of it. It is often necessary to take a stand under certain circumstances. But your action will be better if it originates from a state of peace rather than a troubled state brought about by resistance. 

It is not easy, I admit. Whenever in trouble, our mind rushes to move away from the situation. In extremely distressing situations, only a spiritually advanced or enlightened person will be able to maintain peace brought about by complete acceptance which is also known as a posture of sustained surrender. That may be a tall order for most of us as we are dwelling in a material world with its pulls and pressures. I understand that.

However, there are scores of other simpler examples where we can give up resistance if we wish to. Say, I have done something stupid, and someone is pointing it out to me. If I drop resistance and just admit that I was wrong, I will actually discover peace. This come from acceptance. The opposite of this would include denial, justification, falsification, blame game and what not. That is precisely what resistance does.

If you have lost your cool over something, and others are pointing it out to you, instead of pretending you are fine, how about admitting that, indeed, you lost it? If we make this a regular practice, it can become a part of our persona and bring enormous peace into our lives as we progress towards FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS.

The easiest situation where you can just drop the resistance is in trying to notice and acknowledge the existence of the basic human unease within all of us.  It is easy because, unlike circumstantial dissatisfaction, this dissatisfaction is un-caused. If we accept and recognize that it is un-caused, instead of rushing to 'manufacture' a cause, we can hugely benefit from that stance. What prevents us from accepting this deep discomfort within us is the same resistance, prompted by the mid-ego combination. The reflex action is to move away from this inner pain. Yet if you can convince yourself that this inner suffering is innate; it is just there, without any circumstantial cause, it may be possible to drop resistance and accept it. 


Deepak Chatterjee


If you are following this blog through email, you will notice that the post that you receive in your in-box does not have the blog archives and other features. At times the formatting is not good. For a better view you can see the entire blog at: 

Saturday, 18 January 2014

INDIA NON FICTION FESTIVAL, MUMBAI, JANUARY 24, 2014, 2 PM to 3 PM. Do attend my session there.

Hi Friends,

Its time for the 

(Asia's Largest Non Fiction Literary Festival)
24-26 January, 2014, Nehru Centre, Worli, Mumbai

I am speaking at a session on I'm Bold and Happy, along with two celebrated authors, Priya Kumar and Sneha Mehta


24 January, 2014, 2 pm to 3 pm 

I will draw from my book "ARE YOU REALLY HAPPY?". The other speakers will similarly speak from their own books. I will also play the moderator. Do attend with friends and relatives! Here is the invite:


Deepak Chatterjee


If you are following this blog through email, the post that you receive in your in-box does not have the blog archives and other features. For a better view you can see the entire blog at: 

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS Series 22 - All of you who honestly find yourselves mostly on the edge, usually on the short fuse, tensed up, restless...

All of you who honestly find yourselves mostly on the edge, usually on the short fuse, tensed up, restless, impatient, unable to concentrate, with reduced attention span, off mood or sullen, you have a wonderful opportunity to transcend all of that and get on a joyful journey towards FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS.
(I have added a "follow by email" button at the top right corner. You can follow this blog from your email. Its simple.)

For most countries you get a link from Amazon.com. Others have specific web addresses like Amazon.fr for France. Opt for Kindle Store, and then search for the title.

The physical version too will be up on Amazon.com in a week's time. My apologies for this long delay.

Now let us come to my new post:

If you honestly find yourself in the category mentioned at the head of this post, you have both the opportunity and the motivation to make a paradigm shift in your life and taste un-caused joy.

There could be some internal debate on whether you fall in this category. Well you have to be truthful to yourself. You don't have to proclaim to the entire world that you find yourself in this troubled state, and have decided to make a shift. You can quietly do it. Others may or may not notice the change in you. Chances are they will respond to you better, enjoy your company more than before, and above all, may trust you more.

Interestingly, it is easy to spot many others who fully fit the description I have given as the title of this post. You will notice them among your colleagues, friends, fellow travelers, neighbors, public at large, and even family! Don't you find them everywhere? But when it comes to honestly facing up to ourselves, we probably don't muster enough courage. We may go for the 'reasons' why we are upset, sullen, in a bad mood, restless, on the short fuse, or plain depressed. There could be real reasons; I do not deny that. But only a small part of what you are feeling is probably directly linked to that external 'reason'. The rest of it is innate, un-caused - that FUNDAMENTAL UNHAPPINESS that is a deep seated part of the spirit in most humans. 

As I keep saying: there is no way 'out' of this pain. But there is a wonderful way 'through' it. Honestly face it, observe it, surrender to it, give up all resistance to it, feel it fully - it will melt away in time. It might increase in intensity for sometime until it fades away. As you master this art, you will see that the moment you honestly accept any hint of this basic human unease, it almost instantly gives way to spurts of joy! Also, whatever unhappiness you feel on account of real, external reasons, will appear less intense than before.

Even while you are on this journey, it will be possible to make friends with this pain we carry within. It will not overcome you the way it was doing earlier. You and this inner unhappiness can become partners in life, where you acknowledge its presence all the time. So, even before this pain completely melts away to pave way for FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS, you will be able to witness a certain degree of peace within. Your existence will turn deeper and richer. Your vision will be of a new kind. You could become more creative. Hence I keep saying that the journey towards FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS is itself joyful and satisfactory.

I have stated this before, allow me to recapitulate, do not waste time or effort in trying to distinguish between the two kinds of unhappiness, circumstantial and fundamental. Take any unhappiness and observe the pain without mental analysis. 

If you rewind a bit and take a re-look at Series 16 posted by me on Nov 22, 2013, you will be able to read the example of the typical bad day that we sometimes run into. At the end of the day, instead of analyzing the reasons behind what went wrong, I suggest you just observe your body, yourself, and notice the pain manifest in different functions of your body - breathing, heart beat etc. Just passively observe. Don't analyse - our mind just loves it! And ego collaborates, to make matters worse. Come one, try - its not as difficult as it appears to be. 

You will find overlaps between different posts of this blog. I purposely do it, for it helps to keep revisiting the basic theme from different perspectives. It is certainly not a difficult concept. Rather, it is fairly straightforward. The problem is that we are used to thinking in a certain way, and I am asking you to stop thinking. The mind, as I have stated again and again, has no role to play, other than the initial understanding and appreciation of the paradigm that I am suggesting.

Meanwhile, remember the baby pigeons on my window sill flower bed? I had posted their pictures in Series 20 on January 1, 2014. Well they have learnt to fly now - short distances. Here is the picture:

Keep reading...


Deepak Chatterjee


If you are following this blog through email, the post that you receive in your in-box does not have the blog archives and other features. For a better view you can see the entire blog at:  http://fundamentalhappiness.blogspot.com/

Views are personal

Wednesday, 8 January 2014



Hello Friends,

I begin this post by clearing the air between the two kinds of unhappiness, dissatisfaction, depression or despair we feel, and often mix up with each other.

I am prompted to take up this topic by a deep and interesting comment posted on Series 19 by Suprabhat Ganguly. You can read his comment by scrolling down this blog to Series 19, and then clicking 'comments'.

The first point extracted from Suprabhat's comment is: "is unhappiness all that bad and it has only negative connotation? If man always remains happy with what he gets and in whatever condition he remains, will it be possible for him to progress and develop? Will it be proper for a student to be happy with low grades that he might have got in his school or a professional who may not be doing very well in his career?"

I respond by stating that neither in my book "ARE YOU REALLY HAPPY?" or in this blog have I conveyed that unhappiness is bad. It certainly is painful and can appear ugly to us. Rather, my focus throughout has been on acknowledging whatever unhappiness you can feel within you, and then embracing it to move into a wonderful new life. The problem arises when we deny our unhappiness. It is then that In-Authenticity creeps in and we get into messier issues.

The second point extracted by me from Suprabhat's comment reads: "Man's unhappiness in jungle life of prehistoric age had led to formation of society. Had man remained happy all along probably the great discoveries and inventions of science would not have taken place. Historic revolutions have taken place through the ages because of unhappiness of people."

Yes, I fully agree that our dissatisfaction with so many things in life has led to great innovations, discoveries, inventions, reforms, correction of past injustices, removal of prejudices etc. India would probably not have got its independence unless an entire generation of Indians was thoroughly dissatisfied with the situation under colonial rule.

But one aspect needs to be clarified here. This has been dealt with in detail in my book, and I have touched upon it at several points in this blog, but another detailed treatment here will help all readers:

We all do feel unhappy due to various 'reasons' external to us. They can be our surroundings, situations, persons or whatever. When we are able to remove the 'external' causes, we feel better again. 

However, deeper than this circumstantial unhappiness, which all of us would have felt some time or the other, is a malaise that dwells in our spirits. This FUNDAMENTAL UNHAPPINESS lurks beneath the circumstantial unhappiness and often stokes it. Also, our circumstantial unhappiness can trigger this fundamental unease which, for most of the time, is kept tightly under wraps, so we don't quite feel it. This deeper unhappiness is un-caused. While we are mostly successful in keeping it suppressed, we do get hints of its presence - when we feel lonely, bored and do not have enough distractions. We divert our minds and get on with our lives. Sometimes we even manufacture external causes for our basic inner unease. We may, thus, end up blaming others for some pain that we feel inside. This pain is innate, and has nothing to do with the supposed cause. 

Some of us are likely to feel this malaise deeply. If they do feel it and are truthful about it, without getting into the trap of manufacturing a 'cause' for this suffering, they can do something wonderful. They have the opportunity and motivation to embrace this pain, give up all resistance to it, submit to it, and break out joyfully on the other side. This is FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS. Just like the basic unease or fundamental unhappiness, this joyful state of being is also very much within us, but deeply buried. I have given detailed steps towards how this can be done in my book, as well as in previous posts of this blog.  

So, friends, I have not labeled any kind of unhappiness as 'bad' or 'undesirable'. In an earlier post (Series 6 posted on Aug 5, 2013), I had stated thus:

"I understand the dilemma that many of you face in a similar predicament. That dilemma arises from the interaction between two kinds of dissatisfaction – that from within and from without. One is existential dissatisfaction, the other is circumstantial dissatisfaction. Because they mix up, we are not able to recognize the more basic form of dissatisfaction." 

Even when we feel unhappy due to some real external cause, often the deep seated basic unhappiness also gets triggered. Although deeper unhappiness stays locked up, but often rears its head. Then the two kinds of suffering get mixed up. We are not able to distinguish between the two, and often our circumstantial dissatisfaction gets exaggerated. 

Hence my focus on trying to locate that un-caused unhappiness within us, which can be used as a portal towards FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS. However, even as you move closer to this new joyous state, you will still feel the unhappiness or dissatisfaction about things external to you. The difference is that you will find more space between you and the external cause of dissatisfaction. Your approach to the problem will be better. You might be more effective in correcting a wrong and creating a better life. 

The last part of Suprabhat's query is even deeper: "It is the unhappiness of many people with the material world that leads them to spiritual quest."

I fully agree. As I see mankind more and more attached to the material world, I also notice a significantly troubled existence. The generally dissatisfied stance in human existence appears to be getting more pronounced. This could actually be good news. I quote from the last page of my book, ARE YOU REALLY HAPPY?: "Also my guess, and hope, is that the sheer severity and all encompassing nature of this collective human misery will itself be the cause for much of humanity to move towards FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS in the years to come."


Deepak Chatterjee


Views are personal

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS Series 20 - A New Year... new life... a new beginning... you can turn towards a life of enduring peace and un-caused HAPPINESS...

A New Year... new life... a new beginning... you can turn towards a life of enduring peace and un-caused HAPPINESS...

Hi Friends,

I begin by wishing all readers a Very Happy New Year. It's a new beginning. Can we turn a new leaf in our lives first and foremost by dropping old baggage? We love to carry baggage (old grudges, grievances, victim-hood, feeling wronged etc.). 

We carry this giant load as if it is a very valuable possession, very dear to us, not realizing that this massive structure is yet another road block to FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS. 

Just drop this weight that you have been lugging for so many years. Just let it go. See how light you feel. You know what prevents us from shedding this weight? Yes, the same culprit - the EGO, the monster within. We do not realize how much of accumulated pain this baggage creates within us. 

My book ARE YOU REALLY HAPPY? has several pages on this monstrous baggage with many examples. I will devote another post on this. I touched upon this topic just to create awareness about how we often obstinately dwell in the past.

As the year 2013 was going past us, I chanced upon the hatching of a pair of squabs (baby pigeons) on the flower bed at our dining room window sill. I captured the stages of their growth with my camera. It is always an enriching experience to see new life take form. Today, they almost look like adult pigeons, but have yet to learn to fly. Their mother often comes to encourage them to flap their wings. 

Here are the pictures:

(pictures taken with Canon EOS 550D, 55-250 mm)

The first time when a bird ventures out to fly, it just floats into unknown territory. Egged on by the mother, the young ones just give up resistance and let go. And, they move into a lovely new world.

Much the same way, if we choose to do so, we too can give up our resistance, surrender and let go. We too can discover a new life of FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS. It is something you cannot imagine. It is un-caused peace and joy.

Finally, here is a shot I took from my residence at Mumbai, India of the last sun set of 2013:


Deepak Chatterjee


Views are personal