Sunday, 21 December 2014



Hi Friends,

I keep writing on depression cure. I have two motivations: 

1. To propagate how I found permanent peace and joy after struggling with depression for years, for I did not know the way out; I am passionate about sharing my experience consisting of actionable steps to get cured of this cursed existence.

2. The scourge of depression is rising in alarming proportions across the globe. When you look around you find mostly unhappy people, some openly admitting so, some desperately trying to distract themselves out, and many in total denial.

Whichever way you look at it, even if many are able to fool themselves into believing that they are 'happy' beings, almost all will agree that humanity is witnessing a rapid shift towards a sad state of being. This is accompanied by more substance abuse, temper tantrums, intolerance, impatience, hatred, violence and a many other forms of acute negative sentiments and actions (like suicides!).

Those who have been following this blog closely or have read my book: ARE YOU REALLY HAPPY? will hopefully understand that most things that we do to ward off depression and anxiety, are likely to only amplify them and get them firmly embedded in our consciousness. The way is NOT away from the pain of depression, but THROUGH it. That is the irony. Well, that is also the beauty of human existence!

The entire theme of what I write is to bring us back to our being, our sense of self that is not EXTERNALLY DERIVED. We are comfortable with recognizing us as professionals, politicians, successful people, or persons with substantial net worth etc. Or, we wallow in our lack of success, lack of opportunities, victim-hood or other  such activities bordering on self-pity. Either way, our sense of self is externally derived.

We are so focused on the circumstances that we get completely identified with that. Our mind and ego are close collaborators in constructing this mind identified sense of self. Being has no chance in such a situation. The simple steps that I keep writing about, to discover FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS within, all lead to a closer identification to being. This needs silent, passive observation of our inner selves. 

It may appear difficult initially. You will soon realize that this posture of noticing us internally comes about easily.

Another way of enhancing this posture is to be with persons who are close to being and therefore spiritually advanced. Relating with such a person brings spirit in your lives too. But you do not find such persons easily.

So, here's an alternative. Relate with animals. Observing them closely too brings spirit in your lives. I am not joking. I have written in the past that human beings dwelling close to the level of FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS display one remarkable feature: they do not have ego.

Now, I do not recollect animals operating from ego. Do not mistake the aggression displayed by many animals on territorial or security concerns. Such reactions are based on their instinct and are often linked to survival issues. They do not get into ego issues the way humans do. Moreover, I observe that animals mostly reside in the present moment  - another spiritual trait. They do not have the matching intellect to ponder over their past, or curse their destiny or blame other animals for their state of affairs. Nor do they indulge in day dreaming or worrying unnecessarily about their future. Many animals do plan and strategise, like storing food for the winter, preparing a bed for the new arrivals and so on. My guess is that much of it is a mix of some intelligence and mostly instinct. Sadly, the huge capacity of intellect in humans has practically killed human instinct.

I derive immense satisfaction in closely observing animals. some examples are dogs, cats, squirrels, birds and fish. Quietly notice how they move about and interact with each other. Notice how mostly they are at peace. This passive observance will bring peace to you as well. 

Keeping a pet like a dog can also be a very satisfying experience. One word of caution, though: if you keep a pet dog only as a statement to show off, and do not relate with it, then it serves no purpose. 

Try observing animals closely and notice the changes in you!

Here are links to some prior posts that are always worth a revisit (please click on the links below to read):

Depression: Threshold to a New Kind of Joy

How to Celebrate Uncaused Depression?

The Only Permanent Cure from Depression

Psychological Depression Vs Uncaused Depression


Deepak Chatterjee

If you are following this blog through email, the post that you receive in your in-box does not have the blog archives and other features. At times the formatting is not good. For a better view you can see the entire blog at: 

Wednesday, 19 November 2014



Hi Friends,

So, how is it going? I do get a sense, from the comments and queries I receive, that many of you are imbibing my thoughts. Tentativeness and hesitance are natural; please take your time.

Probably, the new paradigm that has crept into your consciousness still resides in your minds. You have to let go of your mind. Once you have understood, or more importantly, appreciated the possibility of a new shift in your life, the mind has no further role to play. Our brains have no role in our journey towards FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS. But of course you need to understand what I write, and honestly notice yourself. Execution is at the level of spirit. And to reach spirit, you can use parts of your body and processes like breathing, heart beats etc. Observe them quietly. I have dwelt on the 'how to' in several past posts. Here is the link to one of my earlier posts on how to go about it: (please click here).

I keep coming back to my favorite topic: depression. Why not? I owe so much to the depression and angst I have suffered in the past. But for that, I would have been leading an artificial, flat, half-life. I would have missed the richness, the fullness and depth of my present joyful existence. Only deep depression has made this possible.

That's why I keep saying that if you can locate uncaused depression in you, you are the lucky one. Don't run to a psychiatrist. He will pull you down through medication and prevent you from growing further into a blissful existence.

Yes, while suffering uncaused depression you are at the threshold of joyful existence. This is a different kind of JOY. We are so used to getting happiness from 'external things' that it is often difficult to imagine any other kind of happiness. Can we ever imagine FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS? This happiness is just there. 

We have numbed our senses in a noisy world. We have further numbed ourselves by running after so many 'things' that we miss the subtle opportunities of noticing bouts of inner JOY.

Enjoy everything in life, but from clear awareness that none of that will bring JOY in your life. If you understand this aspect of life then you will not cling to or crave for these external 'things'. This way, you enjoy them even more! Is that not a wonderful state to be in?

Here are links to some past posts that are worth revisiting at leisure (just click on them to read):

Psychological Depression Vs. Uncaused Depression

Uncaused Depression is a sign of Growth

The Only Permanent Cure from Depression

How to Celebrate Uncaused Depression?

Keep Reading! Cheers!

Deepak Chatterjee

If you are following this blog through email, the post that you receive in your in-box does not have the blog archives and other features. At times the formatting is not good. For a better view you can see the entire blog at: 

Friday, 24 October 2014



Hi Friends,

One of my previous posts, Series 37: Uncaused Depression is a sign of Spiritual Growth; Embrace it, Celebrate it! (please click here to read) has been widely read. I have received many queries through social media as well as direct mails, all of which I have responded. Based on the kind of thoughts that the post has provoked, I am inclined to devote this post on the "how to" aspect.

That's important, since my premise, borne out by my own experience and that of several others, is that you must not shun or try to fight depression, anxiety, despair, meaninglessness. Rather you must feel all of that closely and passively without resistance. This is first step towards a life of bliss and joy. Your depression will dissolve. It may sound unbelievable but that is the truth of existence.

What is passive observation of this apparent psychic pain? It is to step back and look closely at what it's doing to you, to your body, your heart beat, your breathing, and to the sum total of your existence. You must do this without any mental analysis. There will be a temptation to attribute this suffering to external causes. Even if you are sure that external causes are causing this pain, feel it without analysing the cause. 

This is very important. For, 'analysing' is the favorite activity of the mind. It will just love to oblige you with complicated analysis. Remember, you are not the mind. You are only you - being. The mind is a tool available to us, like any other organ: arms, legs, ears etc. The moment we slip into the belief that the mind is all important, to the extent of getting identified with the mind, we have lost the plot. And we have moved far away from FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS.

At this juncture, it will help to do a recap of Series 34: Psychological Depression Vs Uncaused Depression (please click here to read).

Once you muster the courage to honestly acknowledge and observe your inner pain, you will notice moments when it just dissolves, giving you the opening to FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS. The pain will come back. Don't worry. It takes time to fully dissolve. There will be a few ups and downs.

In time you will reach a point where you no longer fear your depression or anxiety. Rather, the moment you observe the familiar pain return to you, you welcome it! For, now every time you closely and calmly notice this pain, you will see it dissolve and give way to bouts of JOY! That's the beauty.

Which is why I say: embrace it and celebrate it!

The difficulty to do this arises from the way our brain is wired. The moment we sense any pain, our brain signals us to move away from it. This is necessary for our physical survival. 

But the laws of spirit require us to move into this pain. It's not as illogical as it seems. Humanity has accumulated this pain by neglecting spirit, by excessively focusing on the physical world. So much so, that this inner malaise has become an embedded part of human consciousness. Hence, the only way to undo this is to refocus our attention to within us and discover the JOY within.

These thoughts take time to get assimilated. Which is why I suggest that you keep going back to earlier posts. My book: ARE YOU REALLY HAPPY? has it all at one place. Take your time. Don't rush. Quietly observe your existence. You will be surprised to see the results.


Deepak Chatterjee

If you are following this blog through email, the post that you receive in your in-box does not have the blog archives and other features. At times the formatting is not good. For a better view you can see the entire blog at: 

Saturday, 11 October 2014



Hi Friends,

Summary of previous unmissable posts: (please click here)
The Only Permanent Cure from Depression  - Series 41: (click here) 

Almost all of us have lied sometime or the other. As children, as adults, while in responsible positions, for petty or serious reasons. That is human. 

We do not realize, but only humans have the propensity to lie. We can deliberately be dishonest. No other living form has this weakness. At least we are not aware whether there is an equivalent of lying among, say, monkeys or chimpanzees or other higher mammals. 

All will agree that there are degrees of lying. Various cultures have supported lying for a good cause. For instance, not conveying to a terminally ill person about his impending death, and the like. I'm not getting into the morals. There are arguments on both sides: the right to know about one's health condition versus the needless mental agony one undergoes upon learning of an incurable disease.

But what about the lies that we indulge in for a variety of other reasons:

Category 1:

  • to avoid embarrassment
  • to hide our inadequacies, failures, in-capabilities
  • to gain favours 
  • to become popular, impress others etc. 

Worse, we can lie with more serious consequences; I place such instances in Category 2:

  • to deliberately malign someone else, often causing harm
  • to gain unfairly at the expense of another person
  • to settle ego battles, often prompted by jealousy
  • to play politics, often at the cost of someone else 
  • to scheme against someone with the intention of causing harm even when you have nothing to gain etc.

Before you proceed further it will be worthwhile to reflect upon the occasions when you may have indulged in both the categories of lies listed above. Just ponder for a while; there is no harm! And you know, lists are by no means exhaustive.

Coming now to the first category, one can argue that most often such lies are harmless. But what does it do to the person who indulges in such 'harmless' lies? Is no one getting harmed? Think!

Yes, if you have been following this blog, you will be quick to understand that by telling such lies, we only 'harm' ourselves. 

It is not physical or psychological harm. The 'harm' is at the level of spirit. We move away from authenticity. We are removed from the FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS within us. On the contrary, we add to the accumulation of unhappiness inside us. And we spend our lives trying to run away from this unhappiness.

Readers of this blog and those who have read ARE YOU REALLY HAPPY? will recall that we need two simple abilities to move higher in spirit and lead joyful lives: authenticity and courage.

Apart from being inauthentic, whenever we hide behind such 'harmless' lies, we are often closing our eyes to some unacceptable reality about ourselves.

For instance, say, I have not been up to the mark in an assignment. The way I have handled a job may have been questioned.

What do we do in such cases? Damage control? For your survival, it may truly be the best thing to do. I'm not suggesting that you declare to the entire world how you have erred in judgement or messed up an assignment. Can we at least accept privately that we have made an error of judgement or have miscalculated, or may have been inadequately prepared for the job? 

Such truthfulness about our failure may cross our minds, but what do we focus on? On, how to protect ourselves, make others believe that "it was not our mistake". Don't we do this very often? We are so compulsively engaged in trying to convince others: "we were not wrong" that, in time, we convince ourselves that we made no mistake! Ironically, much of the world does not take our defensive arguments. And, instead of protecting ourselves, we suffer even more.

All of us get into such situations. Next time, try admitting to yourself what your inadequacies were - honestly. Stay with the feeling of embarrassment. Facing this pain is better than suffering the consequences of a protracted damage control.

Finally, let us think about the more dangerous lies: the category 2 kinds, listed above. What prompts us to do so? Very often we indulge in such lies not so much to protect ourselves, but to harm others. Just reflect, how often we would have lied to just demean someone else, for petty reasons. 

The only reason that I can think of is the collective human misery that humanity seems to carry within - the human malaise. We are mostly oblivious of it, and it comes out in the most nasty ways. 

I have elaborated upon this aspect in my book: the maximum harm and suffering to human beings has been caused by fellow human beings, through wars, persecution, hatred, religious/ethnic identities, and often due to plain lies. 

If this is not the reflection of the basic human unhappiness, then what is? Just quietly acknowledging this, opens us to movement towards more spirit in our lives and towards FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS!

Read on!

Deepak Chatterjee

If you are following this blog through email, the post that you receive in your in-box does not have the blog archives and other features. At times the formatting is not good. For a better view you can see the entire blog at: 

Saturday, 20 September 2014

FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS Series 41 - The Only Permanent Cure from Depression


Hi Friends,

World Mental Health Day is approaching; October 10 is just round the corner. Here's what I had posted on that day, last year: please click here.

Mental Depression and the various 'mental disorders' that are associated with it are becoming a nightmare for humanity. This suffering afflicts large sections of mankind, across cultures, income groups and age. Suicides, provoked by depression are also on an alarming rise.

As someone who has struggled with depression and anxiety since I was a teenager, and having found the durable, drug-free way out of it into a life of FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS, I have been trying to reach out to as many people as possible with that message. It pains me to see how people are suffering and trying to run away from depression, when just authenticity (honestly accepting your pain), and surrender (giving up all struggle against it) takes you across to a new life of bliss. 

You are just a few straightforward steps away from a permanent cure of depression. All you need is a little courage and openness to new possibilities. Many of us have closed ourselves to new perspectives by sticking to our familiar comfort zones, and we continue to suffer. Let me promise you: I am not suggesting miracles or the occult. My way out of depression and anxiety is not patented by me. This paradigm has been detailed from times immemorial, again across cultures, but has been either misunderstood or lost or rejected amid a very busy, mind dominated existence.

I have written about this with numerous examples from daily life, in my book: ARE YOU REALLY HAPPY? 

If only you read this book slowly, a few pages at a time, and keep coming back to the thoughts in it, you can benefit immensely from it. Please do not read it like racy fiction. I know persons who can complete reading a fat book in a few hours. That will not help. You can also slowly read prior posts of this blog.

Here, you need to allow a new perspective to gradually sink in. Much of this may often appear to be in collision with what we have been trained to see all our lives: the realm of conventional wisdom.

That uncaused depression is actually a sign of spiritual growth is the first thing to recognise. I have written on this in Series 37 (please click here to read). To move out of depression you have to allow yourself to grow further.

What we all also need to fully understand is that uncaused depression, anxiety, feelings of emptiness, meaninglessness are all facets of the core of human existence. This reality is mostly pushed aside, ignored and denied. Many of those who feel it are also quick at finding external reasons for this pain. Blaming others and even creating hate objects then become part of a lifelong support system to deal with the deep, inner, human malaise.

We do feel depressed for real, external reasons. We need to understand the distinction between psychological and uncaused depression. This is important. Do read Series 34 (please click here)

Once you have accepted the above two propositions, the rest of the journey towards FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS consists of truthfully facing your depression instead of running away from it. It may appear illogical, for I am suggesting that you move into the pain, whereas our brain will always signal us to move away from pain. This is where conventional wisdom fails.

In days, you could get hints of a very new life. Isn't it great? When we rush to psychiatrists, the medication does the opposite: it numbs your feelings and pushes you down to fall within the slot of other 'normal' beings.

Makes sense? Read on. Here is a summary of the previous interesting posts in this blog: (click here).

Deepak Chatterjee

If you are following this blog through email, the post that you receive in your in-box does not have the blog archives and other features. At times the formatting is not good. For a better view you can see the entire blog at: 

Saturday, 13 September 2014

FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS Series 40 - JEALOUSY Part II: From where does it arise?

JEALOUSY Part II: From where does it arise?

Hi Friends,

Summary of past unmissable posts: please click here

My last post (Series 39: please click here to read) was on how destructive and painful jealousy can be. I had also written on ways to deal with it, and how to use it as an opportunity to move towards a life of joy.

The enthusiastic response that post has received has encouraged me to write more on the subject, especially to identify the root cause of jealousy. From where exactly does jealousy originate?

Once again, there may be a temptation to point fingers at the person we are jealous of. That person appears to be the reason for jealousy; it could be that person's popularity, success, wealth, or any silly comparison.

Let me reproduce here a section from my last post:

"By the same token, much of the suffering on account of jealousy is, really speaking, the basic human unease which too happens to be the true inner condition of human beings. We do so many things to keep this inner unease at bay. Inviting jealousy might be just another way, for it 'justifies' the inner pain by making another person the 'source' of the suffering."

Does that ring a bell? Regular readers of this blog will understand. To rewind a bit...

We humans have accumulated pain in our existence for centuries. As a result, the collective human existence is that of misery and suffering - not entirely for any tangible external cause, but simply un-caused. I have given a detailed description of this inner human malaise in my book ARE YOU REALLY HAPPY? with numerous evidences drawn from art, literature, movies, as well as examples from day to day life. 

It may be difficult for us to easily accept the reality of this suffering at the level of spirit, but it is real. It often manifests as mental depression or anxiety, or plain meaninglessness, despair, tentativeness or uneasiness - a general dissatisfaction that does not result from anything external. Those who notice and acknowledge it honestly are really the fortunate ones, for they have the opportunity to move beyond it and towards FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS. 

The vast majority do not feel this inner uneasiness. We continue our day to day lives by keeping it suppressed through many actions like staying busy, running after fame, getting into ego battles, unending greed for wealth and accumulation, non-stop entertainment... In short there is no 'pause' in life where we could possibly feel our inner malaise.

This may well continue 'successfully'. But the problem arises when we get broad hints of our innermost unhappiness, yet deny it, and look for external reasons to justify it. Blame game, playing the victim and complaining are some of the usual practices. Jealousy is just another of those tricks to fool ourselves into believing that someone else is responsible for our 'unhappiness'.

Friends, if all of us can accept this reality of human existence, this world is going to be much better and joyful.

Many external events 'trigger' our inner unhappiness and encourage it to rear its ugly head. Those external events are NOT the CAUSE for our unhappiness. They are just a trigger. The 'successfully' locked up inner condition leaks out. We are rattled but still in denial. That's when we look for 'reasons' and intelligently create them. We are so smart that we do the job very convincingly. We create hate objects. That reduces the pressure on us. In the process we lead inauthentic, artificial lives.

Amid this tentativeness, if we find another person who seems to be happier, wealthier, more successful, popular... why do we feel upset? It tickles our own inner unhappiness, which we have been dealing with almost unknowingly. So the unhappiness that we now feel 'appears' to be the result of comparison with that other person. In reality, our innate unhappiness has been provoked. It was always there, deeply tucked in.

We have the extraordinary opportunity to honestly acknowledge our inner condition and transcend it, moving towards a life of JOY. (How to do so is given in detail in my book and in many posts of this blog).  But we fall into the trap of jealousy and create a hate object. Ironically that may appear to give us some strength to deal with our unhappiness. But we have moved far away from spirit and FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS. And, we solidify the unhappiness within us. We get destroyed from within.

Response to an interesting query:
My previous post evoked an interesting query: "Isn't some degree of jealousy good, for it encourages you to compete and do better in life?"

My response:
Feeling encouraged and enthused by another person is a positive sentiment. As long as the thought, "I too can do it" stems from a positive emotion where you genuinely admire the other person and feel like emulating him, is certainly welcome. There is no negativity. You do not add any pain within you. Rather, you may have discovered a good outlet for past accumulated pain.

In contrast, jealousy is an entirely negative response, steeped in unhappiness. Whenever you feel like emulating someone, honestly ask yourself: are you happy to do so? Or, are you doing so out of unhappiness?

Makes sense? Read on...

Deepak Chatterjee

If you are following this blog through email, the post that you receive in your in-box does not have the blog archives and other features. At times the formatting is not good. For a better view you can see the entire blog at: 

Sunday, 24 August 2014



Hi Friends,

Summary of earlier unmissable posts: click here

Allow me to write this piece on what many of us have experienced in varying degrees quite often - we may have suffered its worst consequences, but have brushed it aside: the green-eyed monster, jealousy!

Everyone will agree that jealousy is a painful experience. The person who is jealous of someone is certainly in pain. But who is responsible for this pain? The finger will most likely point towards the person we are jealous of. So that person is the perpetrator and the jealous person is the victim, right? Its a convenient argument, and may also provide some false comfort, even a shield from the pain of jealousy. Such arguments often co-exist with self-pity, yet another indulgence that gives us false comfort ! The worst situation arises when the jealous person is so angry that he might want to harm the person he is jealous of!

That's not an extraordinary reaction. Have we not heard of even murders prompted by jealousy?

Having come this far, we can agree on the following:
  • Jealousy is painful.
  • From jealousy arises the dislike/hate/loathing of the person one is jealous of.
  • Jealousy can lead to disruptive situations, which can often be dangerous.
  • The entire atmosphere (family/workplace/friends' circle) gets vitiated.
  • Even persons who are not jealous often get trapped in the cross fire and suffer collateral damage.
  • Jealousy is bad for everyone; so the best thing to work on is how to not get into it in the first place.

Then, what is the cure? How to quickly get out of jealousy? Better still, how to not get jealous at all? These are the basic questions we can dwell on.

The first step that you need to take is to acknowledge that you are jealous. The initial hints of jealousy need to be honestly owned up. Having acknowledged them, do not condemn yourself for being jealous. Like so many negative human reactions, this too is a very human response. But as you read on, you will realize that, much like anger, it's a stupid reaction.

All that you need for acknowledging your jealousy is some degree of authenticity (honesty) and a bit of courage

Why do you need courage? This is important, and you must understand it clearly. For many of us jealousy is so strong that we have made a solid brickwork around it. Worse, many of us draw our sustenance and energy from it. We have made it the reason for our existence! There are a few countries whose sole reason for existence is hatred towards another country, we humans too fall into similar traps. We create hate objects backed by the force of jealousy. And, that keeps us going!

If such a person has to honestly acknowledge that he has been jealous, imagine his plight. He has to give up something he was leaning on for a long time. He  might suddenly discover a hollowness, an emptiness, a void that can appear to be quite scary. So, you need the courage to acknowledge jealousy and face all that goes on within you after noticing it.

And, that's the next step. Having truthfully acknowledged your jealousy, just observe yourself, without any mental analysis. It is best to do this during the stillness of the night. Lie down and notice what is going on within. You may discover a fair degree of inner turmoil. You may even feel the pain of jealousy as though it were a physical pain. Just passively observe it. Do not try to attribute this uneasiness to something or someone. If you can hold onto this posture for some days, you may reach a point where it dissolves and you discover the peace and joy of existence within. 

Remember, there will be a strong temptation to escape it all by attributing this pain to the person you are jealous of. If you do so, you have lost it and you will slide back all the way to the hell-hole of jealousy. On the contrary, if you can truly notice the pain within, without any mental analysis, you are moving into a world of bliss.

Yes, you are now close to the FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS  deeply embedded within us. If you look back now, you will realize how utterly foolish and stupid it was to be jealous.

Those of you who read this blog regularly, or have read my book ARE YOU REALLY HAPPY? will be quick to understand that jealousy too can be an opening to move towards FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS. As I keep saying, you can use any unhappiness as a portal to move towards joy. Also, persons on a journey towards FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS will never ever fall into the trap of jealousy.

By the same token, much of the suffering on account of jealousy is, really speaking, the basic human unease which too happens to be the true inner condition of human beings. We do so many things to keep this inner unease at bay. Inviting jealousy might be just another way, for it 'justifies' the inner pain by making another person the 'source' of the suffering.

But if you latch onto jealousy and solidify it, you are not only adding misery to your existence but making others around you unhappy too. Jealousy destroys you from within. You may look fine externally with the help of a fake existence, but you are finished inside. You will not find spirit. The quality of your life, your output at work and home are likely to be poor. Relationships will be affected. Creativity will certainly be at its lowest. Would you like to live like that? 


Deepak Chatterjee

If you are following this blog through email, the post that you receive in your in-box does not have the blog archives and other features. At times the formatting is not good. For a better view you can see the entire blog at: 

Thursday, 7 August 2014



Summary of earlier unmissable posts: click here

Hi Friends,

I have been writing on non-religious spirituality for over a year now. Some of you would have also read my book, ARE YOU REALLY HAPPY? I have touched, both through this blog as well as in the book, upon this aspect of how spirituality is often misunderstood. It occurred to me that a post on this, rather funny, aspect of myths surrounding spirituality could be insightful. Here goes...

1. The most common misunderstanding about spirituality is confusing it with religion. Religion is a personal belief system. Spirituality has nothing to do with any 'beliefs'. It's about your connection with your true self as a living being. We are conscious of so many things surrounding us, but are we conscious of our consciousness? In short spirituality is all about self-awareness. Those reading this blog, or who have read my book, will be able to easily appreciate this. The funny part is that for many people, including the intelligent, well-read kinds, spirituality brings to mind the picture of sadhus and saints, deeply immersed in prayers. I can say about myself: I never pray, in the traditional sense. Quietly observing my inner self is my best prayer. I am not suggesting that you abandon religion. It is possible to hold religious beliefs and still be spiritual, though that is not a necessary condition. However, I have cautioned in the past that excessive religiosity could block your path towards FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS.

2. Often, spirituality is confused with the occult, mysticism or even magic. It is none of that. There is no place for miracles in spirituality. You do not get any super natural powers. Rather, you become more human, something that you were otherwise blocking from happening due to a thousand diversions and falsehoods. Spirituality is about intellectual honesty, about authenticity. 

3. Another common myth about spirituality is the presumption that you have to totally give up all worldly joys, possessions, positions and live a frugal life devoid of the usual comforts that we are used to. Many may carry images of living life like a hermit in caves or forests! Let me assure you, it's none of that. I was a CEO for three years in my previous assignment, and have again joined as CEO at another place. Yes, you need to honestly observe your addiction, if any, to all the things that we consider important. Even truly recognizing your craving brings more spirit in your life. Spirituality helps you to allocate the true value/worth of all material things in your world. You can still enjoy them, but from a position of greater awareness. Possibly we were earlier attaching undue importance to them. Enjoy them without clinging to them.

4. Yet another presumption about spirituality is that it brings about a grim and serious life. Far from it, you enjoy a life of mostly peace and joy. I won't be surprised if your sense of humor gets enhanced. You are less likely to get upset over small, petty things. And, there is no place for EGO! Now, if you feel an ego-less life is going to be boring and serious, that's your judgement. Also, do not confuse absence of ego with the inability to take a tough stand or a position in your personal or work life. That is most likely to be guided by sound principles, if you are a person of spirit. My take is that spiritual persons are more easily able to take a principled stand, for they do not suffer from insecurities.

5. Finally, many think spirituality is all make-believe stuff with no scientific or rational basis bordering on witchcraft! Let me assert here that spirituality is fully amenable to science. There is nothing in it that contradicts any scientific principle. That's so for the simple reason that spirituality offers no miracles. You remain human (rather, you become more human). In my book ARE YOU REALLY HAPPY? I have devoted a section on the common ground between science and spirituality. Read it; you will find it revealing and interesting.

This last point needs a little more elaboration. We are generally very proud about our rationality. By all means we ought to be rational. That's what distinguishes us from animals. Rationality gives us the power to make choices, draw conclusions and come to judgments. But think about it - making a fair judgment and being judgmental are two very different things. Where do you draw the line? We believe we are completely objective beings, and in the process block creativity, innovation and fresh thinking. For all that you need to allow is some subjectivity in your lives. Tell me, is being subjective irrational or unscientific? Some people love mountains more than sea, or poetry more than music. Can there be any objective basis for such differences?

The problem arises when subjectivity gets clouded by ego. No good painting, work of art, fashion designing, soft skills are possible from an obsession with objectivity. Be objective, but don't block subjectivity. Being subjective is human. Subjectivity allows you to feel yourself closely. It unshackles you. On the contrary, Ego traps you. It confines you. You can never experience the joy of freedom as long as you are chained by ego.

6. So, we keep shunning spirituality branding it as occult, mysticism or plain religiosity. In the process we are depriving ourselves the only, lasting cure against depression, anxiety, hopelessness, despair and meaninglessness that seem to afflict all of humanity at the very core of its existence. Not convinced, yet? Read on...


Deepak Chatterjee

If you are following this blog through email, the post that you receive in your in-box does not have the blog archives and other features. At times the formatting is not good. For a better view you can see the entire blog at: 

Wednesday, 23 July 2014



Hey Guys!

I have completed one year of blogging on FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS! To date... my first post was uploaded on 23 July 2013. So today is the first anniversary!

When I look back, I find exciting things have happened. This blog has clocked more than 10,200 page views (you can see the counter, at the top right part of this page). The geographical spread is interesting: India (5800 page views), US (2343), France (167), China (162), Ukraine (146), UK (136), UAE (96), Russia (86), Germany (58) and Netherlands (46) are the top ten, followed by Italy, Canada, Australia, Philippines, South Korea, New Zealand, etc. 

In October, 2013 my book ARE YOU REALLY HAPPY? was published. I have made lots of friends through Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn and Twitter where I post links to my blog. Meanwhile my book received international recognition as  Category Finalist of the Eric Hoffer Award in May, 2014. It has been an incredible journey. :-)


I could gauge from the comments that most of you have not found the stuff heavy. That is wonderful. Many readers of my book and this blog have written to me that they got stirred up and a bit rattled by the stark truth. That too is excellent news. Getting shaken out of our stupor is a vital first step towards true happiness. At our core we seem to know about this truth but do not pay much attention to it. 

Really speaking, what I write is fairly straightforward. No myth, no occult. Pretty logical. Yet, the vast majority of humanity misses this simple point, and they suffer: consciously or, unfortunately, in denial. Ironically, those suffering consciously have a way through it, if they choose to take it. Others will first have to break the wall of denial.

It is an excellent idea to read the posts slowly and keep going back to earlier posts. The same applies to my book. The thoughts seep in. They gradually overcome the resistance inherent in human beings.

So, I decided to give here a summary of some of the posts that could be a worthwhile re-visit. Read them slowly. It will be fun. Also, you get a ready index at one place. You can click any of the links below:

Series 1: You too can taste FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS

Series 2: Accepting UNHAPPINESS

Series 3: We are Fundamentally Unhappy beings

Series 4: Three kinds of people suffering pain

Series 6: Is this blog only for those feeling depressed?

Series 9: Our journey towards FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS must necessarily be actionable and take into account our practical lives

Series 10: How to go about it?

Series 14: Accept Nothingness!

Series 19: We 'create' UNHAPPINESS for us all the time

Series 23: We find 'difficult persons' all around us; do we pause to take a look at ourselves?

Series 26: Does Spirituality imply religion, mysticism, occult? The answer is 'NO'

Series 30: Don't shun things in the material world - just go beyond them

Series 34: Psychological Depression Vs Uncaused Depression

Series 37: Uncaused Depression is a sign of Spiritual Growth. Celebrate it! Embrace it!

The journey towards FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS is not a one time unidirectional travel by a bullet train. You do not have a single starting point, ending at another specific point. There will be several back and forth movements. For, we humans have the habit of falling back to the 'old ways'. We start craving for happiness. The more we strive for happiness, the more unhappiness we are likely to witness. Once we 'give up', we move towards a life of peace and joy. Our mind could scream at us: don't give up! If we listen to the mind, we might slide back to the basic human unhappiness.

It is a slow journey towards infinity. Enjoy the journey itself. It is hugely enriching and rewarding. Don't lose heart. Keep reading.


Deepak Chatterjee

If you are following this blog through email, the post that you receive in your in-box does not have the blog archives and other features. At times the formatting is not good. For a better view you can see the entire blog at: