Wednesday, 23 July 2014



Hey Guys!

I have completed one year of blogging on FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS! To date... my first post was uploaded on 23 July 2013. So today is the first anniversary!

When I look back, I find exciting things have happened. This blog has clocked more than 10,200 page views (you can see the counter, at the top right part of this page). The geographical spread is interesting: India (5800 page views), US (2343), France (167), China (162), Ukraine (146), UK (136), UAE (96), Russia (86), Germany (58) and Netherlands (46) are the top ten, followed by Italy, Canada, Australia, Philippines, South Korea, New Zealand, etc. 

In October, 2013 my book ARE YOU REALLY HAPPY? was published. I have made lots of friends through Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn and Twitter where I post links to my blog. Meanwhile my book received international recognition as  Category Finalist of the Eric Hoffer Award in May, 2014. It has been an incredible journey. :-)


I could gauge from the comments that most of you have not found the stuff heavy. That is wonderful. Many readers of my book and this blog have written to me that they got stirred up and a bit rattled by the stark truth. That too is excellent news. Getting shaken out of our stupor is a vital first step towards true happiness. At our core we seem to know about this truth but do not pay much attention to it. 

Really speaking, what I write is fairly straightforward. No myth, no occult. Pretty logical. Yet, the vast majority of humanity misses this simple point, and they suffer: consciously or, unfortunately, in denial. Ironically, those suffering consciously have a way through it, if they choose to take it. Others will first have to break the wall of denial.

It is an excellent idea to read the posts slowly and keep going back to earlier posts. The same applies to my book. The thoughts seep in. They gradually overcome the resistance inherent in human beings.

So, I decided to give here a summary of some of the posts that could be a worthwhile re-visit. Read them slowly. It will be fun. Also, you get a ready index at one place. You can click any of the links below:

Series 1: You too can taste FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS

Series 2: Accepting UNHAPPINESS

Series 3: We are Fundamentally Unhappy beings

Series 4: Three kinds of people suffering pain

Series 6: Is this blog only for those feeling depressed?

Series 9: Our journey towards FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS must necessarily be actionable and take into account our practical lives

Series 10: How to go about it?

Series 14: Accept Nothingness!

Series 19: We 'create' UNHAPPINESS for us all the time

Series 23: We find 'difficult persons' all around us; do we pause to take a look at ourselves?

Series 26: Does Spirituality imply religion, mysticism, occult? The answer is 'NO'

Series 30: Don't shun things in the material world - just go beyond them

Series 34: Psychological Depression Vs Uncaused Depression

Series 37: Uncaused Depression is a sign of Spiritual Growth. Celebrate it! Embrace it!

The journey towards FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS is not a one time unidirectional travel by a bullet train. You do not have a single starting point, ending at another specific point. There will be several back and forth movements. For, we humans have the habit of falling back to the 'old ways'. We start craving for happiness. The more we strive for happiness, the more unhappiness we are likely to witness. Once we 'give up', we move towards a life of peace and joy. Our mind could scream at us: don't give up! If we listen to the mind, we might slide back to the basic human unhappiness.

It is a slow journey towards infinity. Enjoy the journey itself. It is hugely enriching and rewarding. Don't lose heart. Keep reading.


Deepak Chatterjee

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