Hi Friends,
Now, what exactly do you make of the title of this post?
Before you slam me for making such an outrageous suggestion, let me assert that I am not premising that you refrain from romantic or passionate relationships. Rather, I urge you try everything possible that you think will make you really happy. In my book, ARE YOU REALLY HAPPY? I say that none of my suggestions for making a shift towards FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS has any moral bearing. So let us keep morality completely out of this discussion.
Romantic love is not something that was discovered in the twentieth century. It has been there from ancient times, and even folk tales and popular culture reflect this very strong aspect of human emotion.
Many will agree that finding a loving romantic partner gives that sense of bliss and fulfilment. It gives us a comforting feeling of completeness. Suddenly everything seems to fall in place. On the other hand, those who are yet to find their true love or those who have just broken out of a loving relationship, may often feel a strong undercurrent of incompleteness and meaninglessness.
These are not new developments in human society. However, romantic alliances and their break are more out in the open today. The same dynamics exist in conservative societies too, but usually under a cloak of secrecy.
As society evolves, gets more liberal, modern and open, there is enormous peer pressure on persons who have not yet been able to 'find' their love! What we also witness more in open societies, is frequent break-ups in romantic relationships leading to a lot of pain, trauma and often a desperate need to enter into another relationship.
If you are one of those heart-broken, jilted lovers, this is what you must NEVER DO:
- Do not lapse into self-pity. It's tempting, and at some level does provide some solace. But that comfort is very short lived. You may soon lapse into further misery.
- Do not, even remotely, try to pin blame on your ex-partner. Some may make it their life's mission to get even with the partner who rejected them, trying to bring misery at the other end. That WILL NOT make you happy.
- Never get into analysing why the break happened. And, do not fall into the temptation of rewinding it repeatedly in your mind.
- Never, beg or plead with your partner to have you back. Even if you get the partner back, you are certain to enter the most hellish phase of your life.
- Finally, do not rush to find another partner. Here too the temptation is great, just to find someone to fill the void. If you do so, you will have 'successfully' covered a sense of emptiness, but given away that golden opportunity of finding lasting JOY. Yes, do find another partner, but subsequently from this joyous state, not out of desperation.
So, am I crazy that I suggest you adopt a posture whereby you suffer pain? Well, this pain is your door to lasting FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS. It will come in flashes and then subside again. In a few days time, you will feel so comfortable that a new realization will dawn upon you. Now you will know that you had earlier attached too much importance to your relationship. You were possibly clinging to it.
When you confront your pain, it helps to consider that this suffering is actually the real inner state of human existence which was successfully covered up so far. Truly speaking, your broken relationship has nothing to do with it. Your alliance had only helped to cover up this inner malaise, and the break-up has helped to uncover it again. The trick is to not try covering it up again. Face it, without connecting it to any cause. The moment you accept this fundamental truth, you will find lasting peace and joy. Now, if need be, go ahead and find a true partner!
My book, ARE YOU REALLY HAPPY? has a full section devoted on romantic love and its consequences. As I say, you can use any unhappiness as a door for moving towards FUNDAMENTAL HAPPINESS. Romantic break-up is only one example, but a very good one.
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Deepak Chatterjee
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